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William D.T. Trefry, Deputy Grand Master
Melvin M. Johnson , Senior Grand Warden
Allen T. Treadway, Junior Grand Warden


(held at Masonic Temple, Boston)

  • 03/10: 1909-1;
  • 06/09: 1909-52;
  • 09/08: 1909-88;
  • 12/08: 1909-132; (Annual Communication)

03/10 Agenda

  • 1909-12: Installation of officers not present at the 1908 Feast of St. John.
  • 1909-20: Appointment of a Committee on Legal Affairs.
  • 1909-25ff: Presentation of a photograph of a 1761 Diploma; extensive biography of John Pulling. A reproduction of the diploma appears opposite Page 1909-26.

06/09 Agenda

  • 1909-71: Report on Conference of Grand Masters at Philadelphia; presented by the Grand Master.
  • 1909-71: Vote to revise the Digest of Masonic Law.
    • 12/08: 1909-201; Report of Committee, with a variety of corrections to the Grand Constitutions (see section below).

09/08 Agenda

  • 1909-105ff: Presentation by Most Wor. Nickerson on "the latest effusion from Pennsylvania in its pretended claim to priority of chartered existence." His study deals with the Carmick document and dismisses it brusquely.
  • 1909-109: Remarks by Wor. Charles F. Gammon, Master of Ancient Landmark Lodge of Shanghai.
  • 1909-110: Introduction of Wor. Noel B. Chamberlain, a New York Mason, great-grandson of Henry Price.

12/08 Agenda

Grand Constitutions Amendment Proposals

  • 03/10: 1909-21; Proposal to amend Part 3, Article 1, Section 3, directing the Grand Master to appoint a Committee on Jurisprudence to consider "questions of law, jurisprudence, or Masonic policy." Referred.
    • 06/09: 1909-65; Adopted.
    • 09/08: 1909-97: Slight revision to wording.
  • 03/10: 1909-45; Proposal to amend Part 1, Article 2, Section 1, to style Past Grand Masters as "Most Worshipful" (instead of "Right Worshipful"). Referred.
    • 06/09: 1909-64; Committee report indicated that most Grand Jurisdictions styled Past Grand Masters thus; and other than Pennsylvania (which does not use the Most Worshipful title) none of the Grand Lodges of the original 13 states reduce the Grand Master's title on retirement. Change was adopted.
  • 12/08: 1909-200; Proposal to adopt a Regulation: "The fee for Life Membership in a Lodge shall not be less than fifteen times the amount of the Annual Dues." Referred.
  • 12/08: 1909-201ff; Corrections and amendments to the Grand Constitutions as part of the revision of the Digest of Masonic Law; all amendments referred;
    • Part 1, Article 1, Section 1 (add "A.F. & A.M." to Grand Lodge title)
    • Part 1, Article 2, Section 1 (correct titles of Grand Organist and Grand Tyler)
    • Part 1, Article 3, Section 1 (date of Feast of St. John, if December 27 is a Sunday)
    • Part 1, Article 3, Section 2 (notifications of Regular Communications)
    • Part 1, Article 5, Section 1 (omit restriction on Grand Lodge office requirements)
    • Part 1, Article 7, Section 1 (date of Feast of St. John, if December 27 is a Sunday)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 7 (duties of DDGMs)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 8 (duties of DDGMs)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 10 (dates of reporting)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 14 (duties of Grand Stewards)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 16 (minor change)
    • Part 1, Article 8, Section 17 (Grand Lecturers)
    • Part 2, Article 1, Section 4 (Sigourney Fund)
    • Part 3, Article 1, Section 1 (minor change)
    • Part 3, Article 2, Section 3 (minor change)
    • Part 3, Article 4, Section 1 (members of Board of Commissioners of Trials)
    • Part 3, Article 4, Section 1 (appeals)
    • Part 3, Article 4, Section 6 (rights of suspended Brothers)
    • Part 4, Article 1, Section 3 (minor change)
    • Part 4, Article 3, Section 5 (minor change)
    • Part 4, Article 3, Section 9 (minor change)
    • Part 4, Article 3, Section 10 (procedure)
    • Part 4, Article 3, Section 13 (exception for funerals)
    • Part 5, Section 6 (removal of DDGM approval for new lodge)
    • Change Past Grand Master title to "M.W." as per change in the Grand Constitutions.
    • Change Grand Chaplain stations in Grand Lodge.

Grand Master's Address

  • 12/08: 1909-161: Opening remarks. Deaths of Nickerson, Sanford, Sayles. Visitations. Conferences in June, September and November (Note that an extensive discussion of subjects covered at the Conference of Grand Masters is provided starting on Page 1909-176, including a "Form of Renunciation", and a declaration that no National Grand Lodge was being formed or contemplated); remarks on Dispensations; requests for Recognition; Dispensations; Suspensions; Reports of Grand Lecturers; Grand Treasurer's report; Charity; Report of the Board of Directors; Collamore estate litigation; Masonic Home; conclusion.

Lodge By-Law Changes

Masonic Home Committee Reports

  • 03/10: 1909-16; Report of Committee, presented by Past Grand Master John Albert Blake. Establishment of the Overlook property; furnishing of rooms; amount pledged about $96,000, $56,000 thus far collected.
  • 03/10: 1909-22; Presentation by Rt. Wor. Leon M. Abbott regarding the Williams Estate, which was used by the Grand Lodge to establish a Masonic home; the lawsuit of the Masonic Education and Charity Trust to establish its tax-free status.
  • 06/09: 1909-68; Report of Committee, presented by Past Grand Master John Albert Blake.
  • 09/08: 1909-98; Report of Committee. "The past few months have shown more conclusively than was ever known before how large a number of our Masonic Brethren are unable to provide fully for the needs of themseves, or their families."
  • 12/08: 1909-196; Report of Committee. Among the resolutions adopted regarding the Home:
    • That all invested moneys now in the hands of the Masonic Home Committee be turned over to the Masonic Education and Charity Trust to be held, invested and reinvested with whatever may hereafter be added thereto, in a separate fund to be known as the Masonic Home Fund, the principal and income thereof to be expended as the Grand Lodge shall from time to time direct for the purposes of such Home.
    • That there be appropriated from the balance of the income accumulated since 1904 of the Grand Charity Fund in the hands of the Masonic Education and Charity Trust the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars in securities taken at their par value to become an addition to and a part of the Masonic Home Fund.
    • That the annual income hereafter to accrue of the Grand Charity Fund shall annually be divided into three equal parts: one part to be added to the principal of the Grand Charity Fund; one part to be applied to the support and maintenance of the Masonic Home, and one part to be available for the general charities of the Grand Lodge.

Necrologies and Memorials

  • 09/08: 1909-92; Death of Rt. Wor. Samuel Brigham Spooner, Past Junior Grand Warden; presented by Rt. Wor. Charles C. Spellman, for the committee.

NickersonMedal1909.jpg NickersonMedal1909_2.jpg
Commemorative Medal for Sereno D. Nickerson

  • 12/08: 1909-145ff; Death of Most Wor. Sereno D. Nickerson, Past Grand Master; presented by Most Wor. Charles T. Gallagher, for the committee. Note: A picture of Brother Nickerson appears on the Frontispiece to this volume of the Proceedings; a commemorative medal is depicted opposite Page 1909-158 and above.
    • 12/08: 1909-205; Memorial to be published and distributed to subordinate Lodges, to other Grand Bodies, and to Masonic periodicals and libraries.
  • 12/08: 1909-162; Death of Most Wor. Baalis Sanford; mentioned in Grand Master's Address.
  • 12/08: 1909-162; Death of Rt. Wor. Irving B. Sayles, Past Junior Grand Warden.

Petitions for Charters

  • 06/09: 1909-67; Petition by Republican Lodge, Greenfield, for the restoration of its original charter; a substitute was granted in 1851. The petition to restore the original charter was granted.

Petitions for Dispensation for Lodges


  • 05/31: 1909-47. Malden. Corner-stone laying of Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument.
    • 1909-48: Opening of Grand Lodge at Masonic Apartments; procession to the monument site on the "Bell Rock", escorted by various organization including Mount Vernon and Converse Lodges.
    • 1909-49: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-51: "Repast" prrovided in the banquet hall of the Masonic building.
  • 07/24: 1909-73. Chelsea. Laying of the Corner-stone of Masonic Hall.
    • 1909-74; Grand Lodge opened in the Elks Lodge "whose apartments were placed at the disposal of the Masonic bodies of Chelsea for this occasion without charge."
    • 1909-74: Procession to site, escorted by York Rite bodies, and Star of Bethlehem and Robert Lash Lodges.
    • 1909-75: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-77: Address by Rev. and Wor. William H. Rider.
    • 1909-83: List of the contents of the corner stone box.
  • 09/15: 1909-111. Westfield. Dedication of Masonic Temple for Mount Moriah Lodge.
    • 1909-112: Opening of Grand Lodge in the new Hall. Welcome by Master.
    • 1909-112: Exercises of dedication "according to the customary form". Address by Grand Chaplain Rev. Edward A. Horton.
    • 1909-113: A banquet in the banquet-hall "which tested the full capacity of the new apartments. Remarks by many brethren, with Bro. George W. Winslow as toast-master.
    • A detailed description of the festivities was published in the New England Craftsman in October 1909.
  • 09/17: 1909-114. Oxford. 50th Anniversary of Oxford Lodge.
    • 1909-115: Opening of Grand Lodge; reception by Wor. A. Frederick Putnam of Oxford Lodge.
    • 1909-115: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-115: Historical Address by Rev. Bro. Albert Tyler, Chaplain of the Lodge for 36 years; history of Masonry in Oxford from the organization of Olive Branch Lodge in 1797.
    • 1909-116: A "bountiful supper" in the Town Hall.
  • 10/05: 1909-117. Chelsea. Corner-stone laying of First Universalist Church.
    • 1909-118; Grand Lodge opened in the Elks Lodge.
    • 1909-118: Procession to site, escorted by York Rite bodies, and Star of Bethlehem and Robert Lash Lodges.
    • 1909-119: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-122: List of the contents of the corner stone box.
    • From New England Craftsman, Vol. V, No. 2, November 1909, Page 67:
      • The corner-stone of the First Universalist Church of Chelsea, Mass., was laid with impressive ceremony Sunday, October 3rd, by Most Worshipful Dana J. Flanders, Grand Master, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge. The corner-stone was the same that was used in 1861 in the Church destroyed by flre, April 12th, 1908. The pastor of the Church, R. Perry Bush, D. D. is a popular Mason, Past Commander of Palestine Commandery, K. T., and past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Massachusetts.
      • The laying of the corner-stone of this church marks the sixth that has been placed in position in different temples of worship in Chelsea since the fire of Palm Sunday, 1908, and in a short space of time that of the seventh, the Central Congregational church, will be laid. Corner-stones have also been laid for two synagogues of the city within a short time.

Nayasset Club, Chicopee

  • 10/25: 1909-123. Chicopee Falls. Dedication of Masonic Temple for Belcher Lodge.
    • 1909-124: Opening of Grand Lodge in the new Hall. Welcome by Wor. Edwin L. Davis, Master of Belcher Lodge.
    • 1909-124: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-125: Prior to the ceremonies, the Grand Lodge was feted at the Nayasset Club in Chicopee. Following them, there was a banquet in the new Temple, at which there were numerous speakers, with Rt. Wor. Clarence A. Brodeur as Toastmaster. "The peculiar adaptation of the Temple to Masonic use is in its being a reconstruction of a spacious mansion house by the addition of Lodge-room and banquet-hall."
  • 11/13: 1909-126. Marlborough. 50th Anniversary of United Brethren Lodge.
    • 1909-115: Opening of Grand Lodge; reception by Wor. C. Lester Bartlett of United Brethren Lodge. Most Wor. B. Mallet, Grand Master of Maine, was also in attendance.
    • 1909-115: Order of Exercises.
    • 1909-116: Banquet, followed by an installation of officers for the lodge. Remarks by various Brothers.
  • 11/21 - 11/22: 1909-129. Abington. 50th Anniversary of John Cutler Lodge.
    • 1909-129: Opening of Grand Lodge; reception by the Master of John Cutler Lodge.
    • 1909-130: Order of Exercises, including a Historical Address by Wor. David V. Poole.
    • 1909-131: Banquet, followed by remarks by various Brothers.
    • 1909-131: (11/21) On the previous day, the Chaplain of the Lodge, Rev. Bro. Thomas J. Lewis, officiated at religious services at the Congregational Church; Rev. Bro. Stephen H. Roblin gave the Anniversary Sermon.


From New England Craftsman, Vol. V, No. 2, November 1909, Page 56:

In response to an invitation from Right Worshipful Frank H. Cande, District Deputy Grand Master of the Fifteenth Masonic District, the Masons of Pittsfield and Great Barrington had the pleasure of meeting representatives of the Grand Lodge, Thursday and Friday, October 14th and 15th, and listening to the story of the progress that has been made in establishing a Masonic Home in Massachusetts. The Grand Lodge officials left Boston at 10.30 o'clock on Thursday. Most of the brethren were accompanied by their wives in compliance with a request; as it was intended that the ladies of the towns they were to visit should have part in the entertainment provided for the visitors. The Boston party was composed of Most Worshipful J. Albert Blake and Mrs. Blake; Right Worshipful Thomas W. Davis, Recording Grand Secretary, and Mrs. Davis; Right Worshipful William H. L. Odell, Past Deputy Grand Master, and Mrs. Odell; Rev. William H. H. Rider, Grand Chaplain, and Mrs. Rider: Right Worshipful George W. Storer, Past Grand Warden, and Mrs. Storer; Worshipful Harry P. Ballard, Grand Marshal, and Mrs. Ballard; Right Worshipful Charles H. Ramsay, grand treasurer; Right Worshipful Henry J. Mills, Past Grand Warden and Worshipful George W. Chester, Tyler.

It was a great disappointment to all that Grand Master Dana J. Flanders was unable to accompany the party by reason of the critical illness of a son.

Maplewood Hotel, Pittsfield

Arriving at Pittsfield the party were met by Right Worshipful Frank E. Pierson, Past Grand Warden and Right Worshipful Frank H. Cande, District Deputy Grand Master of the Fifteenth District, representing the local bodies, and escorted to the "Maplewood." After refreshment the party were taken on a trolley ride which ended at the Eaton, Crane and Herbert Works where they had an opportunity of inspecting the preparation of fine writing paper for holiday and general trade, and where each lady of the party was presented with a box of elegant writing paper and envelopes as a souvenir of the visit.

In the evening the Grand Lodge officials were received in the lodge room where the brethren of Crescent and Mystic Lodges had assembled with their ladies. The members of the Grand Lodge were accorded the honors due their station and provided with seats in the East. Right Worshipful Allen T. Treadway, grand junior warden, presided and Right Worshipful Frank H. Cande officiated as master of ceremonies and introduced the speakers.

Addresses were made by Most Worshipful J. Albert Blake, Right Worshipful Thomas W. Davis, Rev. William H. H. Rider, and Right Worshipful Brothers, William H. L. Odell and George W. Storer. Most Worshipful Brother Blake gave a general history of the growth and development of the idea of a Masonic Home and what had been accomplished towards its establishment.

Right Worshipful Brother Davis confined his remarks mainly to the history of the charity funds in charge of the Grand Lodge, showing what part of these funds are available today for different charitable purposes. The remarks of the other speakers were all strongly in favor of an earnest and prompt effort to furnish the Grand Lodge with the means of opening the Home at an early day. At the conclusion of the speaking a box lunch was served.

Friday morning the party left Pittsfield by trolley for Stockbridge. the home of Grand Junior Warden Treadway, who met them on their arrival and conducted them to his charming and historic Red Lion Inn. A ride of thirty miles in autos was then taken through the picturesque country towns of Stockbridge and Lenox, which are unrivaled in possession of magnificent estates and beautiful country scenery. Returning to the Red Lion Inn supper was taken and then a trolley ride to Great Barrirrgton to meet the brethren of Cincinnatus Lodge. The visitors were cordially welcomed by Worshipful Master Clarence E. Culver and a reception given which included the presentation of all the brethren and their ladies to the Grand Lodge representatives.

Grand Junior Warden Treadway occupied the chair during the season of speech making. Past Grand Master Blake spoke in the same line as bis address at Pittsfield and Right Worshipful Thomas W. Davis repeated the facts relating to the Grand Charity funds. Other speakers were the same as mentioned at Pittsfield and in addition Past Grand Warden Henry J. Mills and Grand Marshal Harry P. Ballard.

At the close a lunch was served and the party returned to Stockbridge and spent the night at the Red Lion Inn.

Saturday morning the Grand Lodge officials took trolley for Pittsfield where they were met again by Right Worshipful Brother Pierson who looked after their comfort until 10.30 o'clock when their train started for Boston. Previous to the parting Brother Pierson presented each lady of the party with a small package to be opened after they left. Opening the package each was found to contain a handsome pearl handle knife as a souvenir of a delightful trip.

There is no doubt that the influence of the trip will be most helpful to the brethren of the extreme western part of the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. It will strengthen the bonds of good fellowship and promote a feeling of unity and-oneness of interest. There is no doubt it has created a stronger sentiment in favor of immediate action for opening and sustaining the Masonic Home. Already the District Deputy Grand Master has called for five hundred blank pledges which will no doubt bring a generous addition to the Masonic Home fund.


(held at Masonic Temple, Boston, 12/28/1909)

  • 1909-207: Opening and roll call.
  • 1909-209: Installation of Grand Master Dana Judson Flanders. Installation of other Grand Officers.
  • 1909-215: Report of Recording Grand Secretary: 3,012 Master Mason diplomas issued in 1909.
  • 1909-216: List of lodges not represented in Grand Lodge in 1906, as well as the past 2 years.
  • 1909-217: Feast of St. John, listing toasts and names of speakers:
    • 1909-217: Grand Master Flanders.
    • 1909-222: Past Grand Master Charles T. Gallagher.
    • 1909-231: Grand Chaplain Edward O. Horton.
    • 1909-243: Wor. Frederick W. Hamilton, President of Tufts College and Master of Washington Lodge.
    • 1909-250: Wor. George W. Winslow.
    • 1909-257: Grand Chaplain Rev. William H. Rider.


There were 28 districts in Massachusetts in 1909, as well as districts for Chile and China.

DISTRICT 1: Boston

Leon M. Abbott, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-v

DISTRICT 2: Cambridge

Henry M. Nourse, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-vi

DISTRICT 3: East Boston

James Gould, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-vii

DISTRICT 4: South Boston

William F. Schallenbach, District Deputy Grand Master; 10 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-viii

DISTRICT 5: Waltham

William F. Jarvis, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-ix

DISTRICT 6: Somerville

R. Walter Hilliard, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-x


Benjamin J. Hinds, District Deputy Grand Master; 11 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xi


Arthur W. Beckford, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xii

DISTRICT 9: Newburyport

Arthur P. Brown, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xiii

DISTRICT 10: Lawrence

Nelson J. Hunt, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xiv

DISTRICT 11: Lowell

Horace S. Bacon, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xv

DISTRICT 12: Fitchburg

Everett B. Richardson, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xvi

DISTRICT 13: Greenfield

Charles W. Schuler, District Deputy Grand Master; 10 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xvii

DISTRICT 14: North Adams

George F. Miller, District Deputy Grand Master; 5 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xviii

DISTRICT 15: Pittsfield

Frank H. Cande, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xix

DISTRICT 16: Springfield

Fred A. Eldred, District Deputy Grand Master; 14 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xx

DISTRICT 17: Palmer

Guy C. Allen, Jr., District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxi

DISTRICT 18: Worcester

Edward M. Woodward, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxii

DISTRICT 19: Southbridge

Charles A. Barton, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxiii

DISTRICT 20: Milford

Seymour A. Knowles, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxiv

DISTRICT 21: Framingham

Thomas Deane, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxv

DISTRICT 22: Hyde Park

J. Fayette Stone, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxvi

DISTRICT 23: Taunton

George A. Cox, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxvii

DISTRICT 24: Brockton

Herbert F. French, District Deputy Grand Master; 9 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxviii

DISTRICT 25: Hingham

Edward B. Pratt, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxix

DISTRICT 26: Fall River

Henry W. Mason, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxx

DISTRICT 27: Nantucket

William J. Look, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxxi

DISTRICT 28: Provincetown

Harrie D. Handy, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges
Tabular: 1909-xxxii


David Urquhart, District Deputy Grand Master; 3 Lodges
Tabular: None


George A. Derby, District Deputy Grand Master; 3 Lodges
Tabular: None

Previous (1908)
Next (1910)
