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John B. Hammatt, Deputy Grand Master
Robert Lash, Senior Grand Warden
Thomas Power, Junior Grand Warden



  • 03/13 (Masonic Temple, Boston): IV-682;
    • IV-683: Committee response to inquiries by a former member of The Tyrian Lodge.
    • IV-685: Committee report on the "late" Constellation Lodge.
    • IV-686: Disapprobation resolutions on the By-Laws by members of The Massachusetts Lodge.
    • IV-687: Resolution that the vote on sale of the Temple taken in 1841 be voided.
    • IV-687: Order of Grand Master Peabody regarding conferral of multiple degrees was referred to the committee on the Grand Constitutions.
    • IV-687: Communications from the Grand Lodge of Virginia regarding a general Grand Lodge.
      • 06/12: IV-690ff; Extensive committee report.
  • 06/12 (Masonic Temple, Boston): IV-689;
    • IV-696ff: Committee report on Constitutions and Regulations.
    • IV-717: Invitation by Olive Branch Lodge to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Baptist; accepted.
    • IV-718: Death of Rt. Wor. Benjamin B. Appleton.
  • 09/11 (Masonic Temple, Boston): IV-719;
    • IV-720: Report of committee on Ancient Landmarks and the recent National Convention.
    • IV-722: Petition by Aurora Lodge to remove to Fitchburg; referred.
      • 12/11: IV-730; granted.
  • 12/11 (Masonic Temple, Boston): IV-724; Annual Communication.
    • IV-730: Report of the Committee of Finance.
    • IV-731: Report of the Trustees of the Grand Charity Fund.
    • IV-732: Report of the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts.
    • IV-733: Report of the Trustees of the Temple.
    • IV-735: Address by Grand Master Peabody on "the events of the past year."
    • IV-736: Re-election of Grand Master Peabody (59 ballots). Other Grand Lodge officers elected.
    • IV-740: Committee on installation arrangements appointed.
    • IV-741: Resolution praising the work of Bethesda Lodge, Brighton.
  • 12/27 (Masonic Temple, Boston): IV-742;
    • IV-743: Invitation by King Solomon's Lodge to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to attend the dedication of the Bunker Hill Monument on 06/17/1845.
      • IV-749; Accepted, committee appointed.
    • IV-746: Instruction by Grand Lodge Lecturers.
    • IV-750: Report of the Committee on Charity.
    • IV-751: Installation of Grand Master Peabody and other Grand Lodge officers.

From Moore's Freemason's Monthly, Vol. IV, No. 3, January, 1845, p. 107:

On the late anniversary of St John the Evangelist, 27th December, the ancient Grand Lodge of this Commonwealth was opened at 9 o'clock A. M., as a Lodge for Instruction, and was continued open through the day. There was a larger number of Lodges represented and a greater number of Brethren from the country present than on any former occasion. The Senior Grand Lecturer, W. Br. John R. Bradford, assisted by W. Br. Charles B. Rogers, as Junior Grand Lecturer, worked the lectures and ceremonies of the three degrees with his usual skill and exactness, and we believe to the great acceptance of the Brethren. In the evening, the Grand Lodge was assembled for the Installation of its officers. The hall was well filled with Brethren. After disposing of some necessary business, the ceremonies took place as follows :

  1. Voluntary on the Organ.
  2. Prayer.
  3. Ode, No. 27, from Br. Power's Melodies.
  4. Installation.
  5. Installation Ode, from the Melodies.
  6. Addresses by Brs. Pickman and Huntoon.
  7. Closing Ode, from the Melodies.
  8. Benediction.


The Grand Master was Installed by Past Grand Master Hon. John Abbot, of Westford, in a manner which, while it realized the high expectations of the Brethren, was worthy of the reputation which Br. Abbot has long sustained as an amiable and accomplished Craftsman. On Br. Peabody being introduced for Installation, he addressed him as follows:—

"M. W. Br. Peabody:— Having been requested to install you into the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, to which you have been elected, I have been induced to attempt it from two considerations; premising, however, that I must solicit the charity of yourself, and the members of the Grand Lodge, for the inaccurate or imperfect manner in which I may perform it,—in consequence of my almost continued, but necessary absence, of late, from our assemblies.

"The first consideration is, the long and intimate Masonic connection which has subsisted between us. Fortyone years have passed since I was admitted to the privileges and pleasures of the Institution of Freemasonry, and I then found, and recognized you, as a Brother. Soon after my initiation, by your kindness and assistance, I was instructed in, and principally acquired a knowledge of the lectures, in the manner and form, as given by our intelligent and worthy Brother Gleason, under the sanction, and by the direction of the Grand Lodge. Shortly after, also, by you, M. Worshipful, was I brought by a way, I knew not, and led in paths, I had not known you. You too, made darkness light before me, and crooked things straight, and in my travel did not forsake me. And from the commencement of this period, till the present time, has this Masonic connection been as intimate, as our respective situations admitted. The recollection of these circumstances is to me, the memory of joys which are past, pleasant and mournful to the soul; —pleasant from the principle of association; mournful from the conviction, that they are past, and can never return.

The second consideration is, the eminent ability and judgment you have ex¬ hibited in the government of the Grand Lodge and the Institution of Masonry �within our jurisdiction, during the two past years. In this period, the forms and ceremonies of initiation, and the two succeeding degrees, have been revised, made plain, and conformed, strictly, as is believed, to the ancient landmarks. The code of By-Laws of the Grand Lodge has been revised and adopted, with such amendments, as the returning prosperity of the Institution, and the exigen¬ cies of the Craft, required. The prerogative and powers of a Grand Lodge

have also been examined, and defined with clearness and precision, in a report, which has been adopted, drawn by yourself; which report has been highly commended by a foreign review, by saying, it is without a parallel. The exhibition of such ability and judgment, in the two preceding years, is an assurance to your Brethren, that this, the last year of your constitutional term of presiding, at present, will be equally distinguished, should any thing occur to demand their exer¬ cise; and, as the effect of your labors, we may confidently expect the continued and increasing prosperity of Freemasonry within the Commonwealth; and hereafter have reason to consider it, an era, in the history of the Institution."

After the investiture, Br. Abbot continued as follows:—

"And now again, M. Worshipful, let me congratulate you on the honor of being the third time raised from the level of equality to the high station of presiding over all the Lodges of this Commonwealth and jurisdiction. We look up with confidence to a Brother, whose age alone would entitle him to our respectful deference, but whose person is endeared to us by love of the Fraternity, eviden¬ ced by the experience of many revolving years. May the Father of Light invest you with his choicest gifts. May heavenly wisdom illuminate your mind; may heavenly power give strength to your exertions; may heavenly goodness enlarge your breast; may your feet rest upon the rock of justice; from your hands may . streams of beneficence continually issue; and round your head may there bend a circle, made splendid by the rays of honor, and late, very late, in life may you be translated from the fading honors of an earthly Lodge, to mansions prepared for the faithful in a better world.

The Grand Master's Address appears on Grand Master Peabody's page.


  • 09/11: IV-722; Petition by Corner Stone Lodge, Duxbury, for the charter to be restored: referred.
    • 12/11: IV-727; after some correspondence, granted.
  • 12/11: IV-735: Morning Star Lodge, under dispensation, granted a charter.
  • 12/11: IV-740: Petition by Star of Bethlehem Lodge, Chelsea, "under dispensation for the past year," granted an additional six months of dispensation.




Note: This is extremely conjectural, and based in part on the locations of the appointed Deputies.


E.M.P. Wells, District Deputy Grand Master; 8 Lodges + 1 U.D.


Samuel Bowden, District Deputy Grand Master; 4 Lodges


, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges


Jonathan Greenwood, District Deputy Grand Master; 6 Lodges


Samuel Chandler, District Deputy Grand Master; 3 Lodges


Pliny Slocomb, District Deputy Grand Master; 7 Lodges


Lucien B. Keith, District Deputy Grand Master; 3 Lodges


, District Deputy Grand Master; 2 Lodges


, District Deputy Grand Master; 4 Lodges

★ = Appeared in Grand Lodge during 1844. (See Attendance Summary)

Previous (1843)
Next (1845)